Barbell upright row

This is an excellent exercise to get stronger shoulders. The upright row targets the lateral deltoid. The front deltoid, trapezius and biceps are also engaged during lifting, while the muscles in the lower back must work continuously to support the upper body. This exercise is suitable for beginners and advanced users, and perfect for sports and professions that require lifting, dragging or pulling. Very suitable for strength athletes who want to learn more advanced, Olympic lifting exercises, such as the church or snatch.


Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Grasp the barbell with both hands shoulder-width apart, palms facing you and arms extended. Bend the elbows and pull the barbell straight up, keeping the bar close to the body, until the elbows are at shoulder height. Allow the wrists to flex as the bar rises. Slowly lower the barbell to the starting position.

Do it well
Place one foot forward and one foot back for extra stability when lifting heavier weights.

Do not arch the back or sway forward or backward; that puts too much strain on the lower back.


Do this exercise on one side at a time using a dumbbell. Grab a dumbbell in one hand and hold a sturdy stationary object for support with the other hand. Use the same technique and body position as for the standard exercise, making sure the elbows are pointing outward.

Instead of the barbell, use two dumbbells for extra instability, which requires more control. Grasp the dumbbells with hands shoulder-width apart, palms facing you and arms extended. Bend the elbows and pull the dumbbells straight up. Hold the weights close to the body and raise them until the elbows are at shoulder height. At this point, the wrists should be just below the shoulders and the elbows should be pointing outward.


  1. Laterale deltoideus
  2. Biceps brachii
  3. Brachioradialis
  4. Trapezius
  5. Supraspinatus (onder trapezius)
actieve spieren van de upright row

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