
Fitter worden is dé doelstelling nummer 1 in Nederland. Meer dan 50% van de mensen die wekelijks sporten, heeft fitter worden als eerste op de doelenlijst staan.

Als alle inwoners van de Europese Unie per week 300 minuten gaan bewegen, dus recreatief, sportief of spiertraining of een combinatie hiervan, dan voorkomt dit volgens Kenniscentrum Sport en Bewegen en het Human Capital Model tot 2050 meer dan 8 miljoen nieuwe gevallen van hart- en vaatziekten.

Het is niet gemakkelijk, onze dagelijkse activiteiten en werk combineren met gezond leven. In de wereld van vandaag zijn er letterlijk miljoenen mensen die het grootste gedeelte van de dag zitten, achter het bureau of aan de computer vastgenageld. Dit kan zorgen voor toename van diabetes, overgewicht, gewrichts- en spierproblemen en meer aandoeningen. Met een beetje planning en motivatie kun je hier een stokje voor steken.

It is often thought that recreational exercise and aerobic training are good for burning fat. But muscle training is just as important.

A major new study has found strong agreement about consuming minimally processed plant-based foods to prevent chronic disease.

If the trend continues as it has over the past 20 years, 90% of our children (and our children’s children) will be overweight by 2060, with all the consequences that entails. And to think that with an extra 10 minutes of walking around the block per day, we can turn the tide. We give you 3 focus points to stop the obesity epidemic!

Everyone over the age of 25-30 starts to lose muscle mass. This muscle mass is built up through protein-rich food and muscle training.

Salt, also known as sodium chloride, is a mineral that occurs naturally in many foods. It is often used as a seasoning to improve the taste of food. But do we really need it in our diet?

Both strength training and cardio fitness have a beneficial effect on weight loss. The best approach is the combination of both. Strength training helps build muscle quality, which in turn can increase metabolic rate (basal metabolic rate) allowing you to burn more calories, even at rest. Muscle training can also increase the effect of “afterburn”, whereby your body continues to burn extra calories for some time after training. Cardio fitness increases the heart rate, improves oxygen absorption capacity, ensures healthier lungs, heart and blood vessels and makes it easier to burn fats such as You can also use fat calories during cardio training.

The word ‘dry training’ is a well-known term in the gym world and a wish of both men and women….