
If you have purchased your resistance band, you are ready to intensify your workouts! Read more below about which muscle groups you can train and which exercises you can use your resistance band with.

These expert tips will help everyone feel confident in the gym so you can focus on your strength training.

This crosstraining method started out as a form of physical therapy and is now used by military personnel and athletes; functional training!

Fitness is more than that and is actually a collective term with multiple purposes. Read about the different types of fitness here.

When summer is approaching again, the gyms are slowly filling up again. People are working en masse on the summer body.

Stretching is almost always a permanent part of training. Almost everyone does it, but what’s the point of it?

Candy, ice cream, soft drinks and pasta are a small selection of the foods that are on a blacklist. However, is this correct?

Looking for a way of training that triggers multiple muscles at the same time? Compound exercises! Read all about it here.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a water-soluble vitamin and contributes to healthy bones, healthy teeth and healthy skin.

Caffeine is the most commonly used stimulant legal substance in the world. Read here what the effects are and why coffee is so popular.