

The barbell lunge trains the quadriceps, glutes and adductors. The exercise is suitable for beginners and advanced users.

The barbell squat targets the front of the thighs, the adductors and the glutes. You can also do this exercise at home.

The dumbbell squat trains the quadriceps, adductors, glutes and to a lesser extent the hamstrings and lower back. The exercise is suitable for every level.

The bent-over row targets the muscles in the upper back. The bent-over row is suitable for intermediate and advanced strength athletes.

This classic exercise, called push-up, strengthens the entire body. It addresses the muscles in the chest, arms and shoulders.

Dit is een uitstekende oefening om sterkere schouders te krijgen. De upright row richt zich op de lateral deltoideus. De voorste deltoideus, de trapezius en de biceps worden ook aangesproken tijdens het heffen, terwijl de spieren in de onderrug continu moeten werken om het bovenlichaam te ondersteunen. Deze oefening is geschikt voor beginners en gevorderden, en perfect voor sporten en beroepen waarbij moet worden getild, gesleept of getrokken. Zeer geschikt voor krachtsporters die meer gevorderde, olympische hefoefeningen willen leren, zoals de kerk of snatch.

The upright row is an excellent exercise to get stronger shoulders. This exercise targets the lateral deltoid.

The shrug targets the back of the shoulders and the upper part of the back. The shrug is good for increasing strength in movements such as carrying, lifting and dragging.